Practical information


We, Anna Krén, Greta Lürkens and Anabel Schwarzenberg, are three students of International Equine Business Management in the third year. Together we are organizing an event aimed at making a positive impact on the future of equestrian sports and the welfare of horses. We are existing to share our passion for horses to you with our online event. 

We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to participate in our upcoming online seminar, scheduled for June 6th at 7:00 PM. The topic is: “Riding Towards Change: Recognizing and Reducing Stress in Ridden Horses for Enhanced Welfare.” 

The seminar presents a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and learn from leading experts in the field.

If you are interested in behaviour and welfare of horses, than you are at the right place. Click the following link to register: 



Dr. Jutta Sielhorst

Dr. Jutta Sielhorst

Specialist in equine reproductive medicine

Anna Krén

Anna Krén

Equine physiotherapy student; Third year student at AERES University of Applied Sciences

